Camden Wrongful Death Lawyer

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Camden Wrongful Death Attorney

A Camden wrongful death lawyer may be the resource you need on your side if one of your loved ones recently lost their life in an accident. Whether it was an auto accident, premises liability accident, or medical malpractice, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim for your loved one. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, it may feel overwhelming to file a claim on your own. A wrongful death attorney can help guide you through the process.

There is no replacing the life of your loved one, but you may find some peace in knowing that you can achieve justice for having their life taken prematurely. At the Law Office of Charles T. Brooks III, we understand how difficult it can be to lose a loved one due to the actions of another. We take care to treat grieving family members with compassion and respect as we seek compensation on their behalf.

Camden Wrongful Death Lawyer

Types of Wrongful Death

Wrongful death in Camden, SC can occur when someone’s death is caused by another party’s negligence. Some common wrongful death accidents are:

  • Automobile accidents. Whether it is a car, truck, motorcycle, or pedestrian accident, there could be a case for wrongful death any time someone is killed in a crash. Auto accidents are typically the result of a driver’s negligence. They’re often caused by distracted driving, speeding, running red lights or stop signs, or driving while intoxicated or under the influence.
  • Medical malpractice. Medical professionals occasionally make mistakes that could cost patients their lives. If their negligence caused the death of a loved one, it could lead to a wrongful death claim. Examples of malpractice could be surgical errors, misdiagnosis, or failure to diagnose.
  • Defective products. Manufacturers could be held responsible if one of their products caused a fatal accident. These could be products such as car parts, children’s toys, or medical devices.
  • Premises Liability. Property owners must keep their premises safe for lawful visitors. If a property owner’s negligence caused your loved one’s death, you could file a wrongful death claim.

How a Lawyer Can Help

A wrongful death lawyer can review your case, investigate the evidence, and provide helpful legal advice on how to move forward. Investigating your case can include interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports, and analyzing photos and video footage. A lawyer can ensure that your legal rights are protected. With a lawyer, you have a much better chance of receiving the financial compensation you deserve.

Having an experienced attorney on your side can give you peace of mind in knowing that your case is being handled by a legal professional.

FAQs for Wrongful Death Lawyers

Q: What Is South Carolina Law Regarding Wrongful Death Suits?

A: South Carolina law allows for surviving family members to file a legal claim against another party for their wrongful or negligent actions that caused their loved one’s death. A wrongful death claim is a type of personal injury case in which the injured party is no longer able to bring their own case. Typical types of wrongful death claims include medical malpractice, intentional acts, or car accidents, among others. These claims are civil cases, not criminal.

Q: Who Gets the Money in a Wrongful Death Claim in South Carolina?

A: The money awarded in a wrongful death claim can be divided up among the surviving family members. Section 15-51-10 of the South Carolina Code of Laws discusses the order of how money will be distributed.

The first priority will be the surviving spouse, then the surviving children, surviving parents, and heirs. Some family situations can be complex and will require a unique result. Speaking with an attorney experienced in wrongful death cases can help you understand how the money will be divided.

Q: What Damages Can Be Awarded in a Wrongful Death Case in South Carolina?

A: You could recover the economic and non-economic damages incurred from the loss of your loved one in a South Carolina wrongful death case. Your loved one may have incurred costly medical bills between the time of the accident and their death, and you should receive compensation for these expenses. You could also receive compensation for your loss of consortium, funeral and burial expenses, and loss of income, among other types of damages.

Q: Does Wrongful Death Always Involve Negligence?

A: Wrongful death cases do not always involve negligence, but they do most of the time. Negligence is one form of liability found in wrongful death cases. It means that someone had a responsibility to maintain a reasonable amount of care and failed to do so. For example, someone driving their car has a responsibility to maintain a reasonable amount of care when on the road. Wrongful death actions can also involve intentional wrongful acts, which differ from negligence.

Q: When Should I File a Wrongful Death Claim?

A: You should file a wrongful death claim as soon as possible. If one of your loved ones has been involved in a fatal accident, you should immediately speak with an attorney. An attorney can help review the case and advise you on the proper next steps. The statute of limitations for wrongful death claims is three years, so it’s important to act sooner rather than later.

The Law Office of Charles T. Brooks III Can Help With Your Wrongful Death Case

When a loved one is unexpectedly killed in an accident, the aftermath is an extremely emotional time for the surviving family members. You may be looking for answers as to what happened and how you can get justice. While filing a wrongful death claim cannot replace the pain of losing your loved one, it can help financially compensate you for their loss and get the justice you rightly deserve.

At the Law Office of Charles T. Brooks III, our legal team works diligently to help South Carolina residents seek justice for their deceased loved ones. We understand how challenging a time like this can be. It can cause an enormous amount of stress and anxiety for surviving family members. Allow our legal team to file a claim on your behalf. We can handle the legal legwork as you focus on funeral and burial arrangements during this time of sorrow. Contact us today.

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